5 research outputs found

    Drowsiness Detection Based on Yawning Using Modified Pre-trained Model MobileNetV2 and ResNet50

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    Traffic accidents are fatal events that need special attention. According to research by the National Transportation Safety Committee, 80% of traffic accidents are caused by human error, one of which is tired and drowsy drivers. The brain can interpret the vital fatigue of a drowsy driver sign as yawning. Therefore, yawning detection for preventing drowsy drivers’ imprudent can be developed using computer vision. This method is easy to implement and does not affect the driver when handling a vehicle. The research aimed to detect drowsy drivers based on facial expression changes of yawning by combining the Haar Cascade classifier and a modified pre-trained model, MobileNetV2 and ResNet50. Both proposed models accurately detected real-time images using a camera. The analysis showed that the yawning detection model based on the ResNet50 algorithm is more reliable, with the model obtaining 99% of accuracy. Furthermore, ResNet50 demonstrated reproducible outcomes for yawning detection, considering having good training capabilities and overall evaluation results

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Videografi sebagai Upaya Pendukung Promosi Produk UMKM

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    Current information technology has been implemented in various fields, such as education, religion, health, social, and culture. Nowadays, Smartphones and social media are a way out of communicating, digging information activities, to buying and selling transactions. The use of information technology has also proliferated, not only for companies and business actors, but almost all people use and utilize information technology. The Tegal City Government itself has created a social media-based promotional platform, namely the UMKM gallery, that can be accessed by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector actors to promote their products. However, in carrying out these promotions, they need exciting content to attract buyers. MSMEs need expertise in drafting concepts and editing images and videos as promotional breakfasts. So it is essential to make an effort to improve videography that can be used as a means of marketing the products of business people, in this case, MSME’s products. This activity was carried out with the support of the Canva application to create product promotional content. Canva is an online design program application that provides various editing tools or tools to create various graphic designs in the form of templates, features, and categories provided in it easily without the need to design it from scratch. The results of this activity are several designs made by MSME actors in promoting their products. Increased knowledge can be seen from the design results shared on their social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and others.Teknologi informasi yang ada saat ini sudah diimplementasikan ke berbagai bidang, seperti bidang pendidikan, keagamaan, kesehatan, sosial maupun budaya. Dewasa ini Smartphone dan sosial media menjadi jalan keluar dalam melakukan komunikasi, aktivitas menggali informasi, hingga transaksi jual beli. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi juga sudah berkembang dengan pesat, tidak hanya pada perusahaan dan pelaku usaha, tetapi hampir semua masyarakat menggunakan dan memanfaatan teknologi informasi. Pemerintah Kota Tegal sendiri telah membuat wadah promosi berbasis sosial media, yaitu galeri UMKM yang dapat diakses para pelaku sektor UMKM untuk mempromosikan produknya. Akan tetapi dalam melakukan promosi tersebut, mereka memerlukan konten yang menarik agar dapat menarik pada pembeli. Para pelaku UMKM memerlukan kepiawaian dalam menyusun konsep serta melakukan editing gambar maupun video sebagai sarapan promosi. Sehingga sangatlah penting dilakukan sebuah upaya peningkatan videografi yang dapat dijadikan sarana pemasaran produk para pelaku bisnis, dalam hal ini adalah produk UMKM. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan dukungan aplikasi Canva dalam pembuatan konten promosi produk. Melalui kegiatan ini para pelaku UMKM diajak untuk berlatih mendesain serta membuat konten kreatif yang berhubungan dengan produk yang dijualnya. Hal ini perlu dilakukan dikarenakan tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya penjual dengan barang sserupa, sehingga para pelaku UMKM harus mampu bersaing dengan mempromosikan barang dagangannya dengan menarik dan tepat. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah konten kreatif yang dibuat oleh pelaku UMKM dalam mempromosikan produk mereka dan siap dipromosikan melalui sosial media

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi untuk Optimalisasi Dakwah Bagi Kader Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Bulakamba-Brebes

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    Da'wah activities carried out "traditionally" have proven to be an intermediary tool for all people who wish to study and even deepen the religion of Islam. However, along with the development of information technology and the support of the internet, da'wah activities are presented in different ways / methods. These activities are channeled quickly using various online media platforms (in the network) such as preaching through video streaming, via YouTube, through social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and others) which can be watched repeatedly with large audiences. One of the uses of technology in preaching activities can be done by using smartphones in making interesting multimedia as a medium of preaching. Based on observations in the field, several problems faced by cadres Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Bulakamba-Brebes are that they do not have the understanding and use of information technology in supporting da'wah activities. Therefore, material is given about the importance of using information technology as a medium for da'wah in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 as well as providing assistance in training in making da'wah media in the form of posters using the Canvas application and video editing using Kine Master. With this activity, the motivation, knowledge, and skills of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Bulakamba-Brebes cadres in optimizing the use of information technology in da'wah activities will increase

    Deteksi Pengendara Mengantuk dengan Kombinasi Haar Cascade Classifier dan Support Vector Machine

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    Microsleep sering terjadi pada aktivitas kita tanpa disadari, terutama pada saat berkendara. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kecelakaan yang diakibatkan kesalahan manusia seperti mengantuk, tidak fokus, dan kelelahan menyumbangkan porsi 61%, selain itu 9% dikarenakan faktor kendaraan, serta 30% disebabkan oleh faktor prasarana dan lingkungan. Beberapa teknik deteksi microsleep melalui kedipan mata telah dikembangkan antara lain menggunakan eye aspect ratio, yaitu thresholding manual dengan menetapkan detik minimal mata menutup/berkedip. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan deteksi pengendara mengantuk dengan kombinasi Haar Cascade yang mengklasifikasi wajah pengendara, serta metode Support Vector Machine yang mampu menentukan mata menutup dan membuka. Implementasi pada sistem deteksi pengendara mata mengantuk secara real time akurasi mencapai 99%. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mengurangi bahkan mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh microsleep yang dapat dideteksi secara dini melalui kedipan mata pengendara

    Apache web server security with security hardening

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    With the internet network, we can quickly get information very quickly. The information we get is not changed by people not authorized to access the system or platform. Apache is a web server often used to connect users with websites where the information is located. The more users there are, the more crimes there will be when attacking the web server by irresponsible people. Due to limited time for web administrators, to improve the security of the Apache web server, an intrusion detection system is needed that can help monitor network traffic and detect the type of attack that is occurring and then forward the notification to the mobile application in real-time, because attacks can occur at any time. Intrusion Detection is one implementation of the security hardening method for the software hardening category. The results of this research will be that the system will detect intrusion attempts based on the rules created, and users will receive notifications to the Telegram application and can see details of incoming reports such as the attacker's I.P. address, description of the intrusion, name of the security hole, time of intrusion, and payload used